I believe that organization is a skill that even the most untidy person can learn with time and practice. But it’s best for people who are just starting out to take things slow when implementing new systems of organization.
Many of the popular organizational trends on social media are impractical for newcomers because they don’t address the root of the problem. (For example, alphabetizing your bookshelves seems pretty useless if those shelves are blocked by piles of clutter.) It’s best to learn the fundamental techniques of organization first, and then use fancier, more complex strategies as you improve.
Not sure where you fall on the Organization Scale? Take the quiz below to see where you’re at and what steps you can take to begin your organization journey!
1. You find yourself in need of a hammer. How easily can you find it in your house?
a) Super easily! I put it in the same place every time.
b) I think it’s in a drawer in the kitchen?
c) Heck if I know. I might as well buy a new one.
2. Can you walk in a straight line across your bedroom — without stepping over things?
a) Yup! I can heel-toe across the floor without breaking a sweat.
b) There are some loose items on the floor, but nothing too shocking.
c) I can’t see what color my carpet is… because it’s buried.
3. How many of your drawers are too full to close normally?
a) One, if any— I only store what I need and what fits naturally.
b) Maybe two or three?
c) More than half of them, and I broke one trying to close it.
4. What does the space under your bathroom sink look like?
a) Nothing but fresh towels, labeled containers, and cleaning supplies.
b) Some half-folded towels, old cleansers, near-empty cleaning products… light clutter.
c) it’s like a dumping zone for random stuff. I have no clue what’s in there.
5. Do you have a spot in your home where you throw random stuff you don’t want to deal with?
a) Not really. I address clutter as it comes and get rid of items I don’t want/need.
b) I have some junk drawers and a “laundry chair”.
c) How did this huge pile of rubbish get here?! Eh, I’ll deal with it later.
So, how did you do?
Obviously, there’s more that goes into organization than knowing where your hammer is. But these questions are a good indicator of what your organizational systems are like in your house. And if you feel like you did poorly, don’t feel bad: this is your first step towards finding a solution!
If you mostly answered with C’s, then I would consider you “An Organizing Novice”.
You may just have too much stuff or too many people in your space. You could also get easily overwhelmed by chores. No matter your reasons, it’s okay— everyone has to start somewhere! Here are some tips that could help you get the ball rolling:
Clear Your Bed. There’s no better feeling than falling into a clutter-free bed after a long day. Even if you can’t make your bed, try to avoid throwing random stuff onto your sleeping space.
Get More Hampers. If you tend to throw your dirty laundry on the floor, try keeping a basket in every room you take clothes off. That includes your entryway, bathroom, and bedroom. The idea is that increasing your “hamper accessibility” might make it easier to keep your floors clear.
Invest in File Organizers. That stack of papers on your desk? It’s time to go through it! Make piles for trash, work, finance, sentimental, and so on, then file your papers into marked folders. Remember: important papers are of no use to you if you can’t find them when you need them.
Create Bins for Cleaning Supplies. Get plastic bins to store cleaning supplies under your sink and in your closets. Be sure to look through the items you have already: Eliminate duplicates, get rid of empty cans, and responsibly dispose of unwanted items.
If you mostly answered B’s, then I would call you “A Work in Progress”.
Your home isn’t in particularly rough shape, and you may know what you need to do to address your clutter. You just need a little extra help keeping up with maintenance. It may take a weekend or two to reset your space, but once you do, your day-to-day life could run much smoother. Here are some simple tools that could help improve your home’s organization:
Drawer Organizers. These handy inserts create sections in your drawers so you can better store utensils, tools, and office supplies. They’re usually pretty inexpensive and they save you loads of time and effort finding desired items.
Pan Racks. These handy inventions make it much easier to store pots, pans, and lids under your counters or in your cabinets. You can orient them vertically or horizontally so it’s easier for you to get your cookware in and out.
Labels. Don’t feel pressure to label all of your drawers and containers— that’s impractical and unnecessary. It is, however, SUPER helpful to label certain objects and drawers. This way, you and your family know exactly where something belongs, and when everyone gets on the same page, you can decide if you want to take the labels off.
If you mostly answered A’s, *then I dub thee “Organizing Pro!”!
You’ve got a decent handle on what you have and where you have it, and your home stays in relatively good shape. It’s not always “walk-through ready”, but you have the skills you need to get it there at a moment’s notice! You’re in a good position to consider some of the more niche, aesthetically-oriented organizing techniques, like:
Rainbow Bookshelves. While unnecessary, it’s been a popular design trend to line your books up in a rainbow gradient. This strategy might make it easier to find the book jacket you’re looking for, and it looks SUPER chic! Give it a try if you’re up for a free beautification project!
Plastic Cereal Boxes. There’s literally nothing wrong with keeping your cereal in the cardboard box it comes in. But if you have some extra money and want to make your pantry look cute and coordinated, purchase some clear containers to store oats, cereals, and other loose grains.
Matching Hangers. Getting all-matching hangers can make your closet look stylish and organized while serving a functional purpose. So if you’re tired of seeing randomly-sized and multi-colored hangers in your closet, invest in some nice, matching plastic or wooden ones.
Hopefully you found at least one of these tips appealing or helpful in your organizing journey. In the meantime, if you want to learn more about organizational styles, we’ve got you covered!
We have a guide that explains all sorts of strategies for getting organized, from color-coordinating to the S.P.A.C.E. method. You can get your free copy here!
What letter did you score the most? What was your favorite tip in this list? Let us know in the comments below! And remember: seek progress, not perfection!